Inside the Course

  • Revamp Your Routine

    What do you want to improve in your practice routine right now? This course is packed full of concepts to get the most out of the time you spend with your instrument.

  • New View on Fundamentals

    Scales, shapes, & exercises have never been so fun and inspiring. When practiced in a musical way, these foundational tools can do a multitude of good for your playing.

  • Level Up

    How do you get to that next level you're seeking? It doesn't have to be stressful or full of doubt. This course will help you with your focus and intent during practice--massive key in maximizing your potential as a musician.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    All the Good Stuff: Chapter 1

  • 2

    All the Good Stuff: Chapter 2

    • All The Good Stuff: How to practice more than one thing at a time

    • All The Good Stuff: How to use the cycle of fourths to practice in 12-keys

    • All The Good Stuff: How to make sure old exercises never get old

  • 3

    All the Good Stuff: Chapter 3

    • All The Good Stuff: One of my favorite pedals for practicing

    • All The Good Stuff: Dynamic control and rhythmic displacement

    • All The Good Stuff: Triad pairs on dominant chords

    • All The Good Stuff: Resolving triad pairs over a V-i

Pricing Options

Purchase as a stand-alone course, or visit the home page to find a bundle that suits your budget.

All The Good Stuff

Good things come to those who practice.